
Food for the Soul

The smell of wet earth, nutty grass and the exuberant calls of birds.
Elixir for the soul, after endless warm dry days and hot nights.

Still life photography.
To me there is nothing like it to remind one of the small blessings in abundance.
A humble shadow , a ray of light, an everyday item, placed in an unusual
setting with a beautiful background.
Food for the soul.

The game on the farm constantly reminds me of the goodness of the Lord.
He looks after them, He made them perfect and special, different, each according to its type.
Food for the soul.

The Jack Russels.
You can always expect the unexpected from them.
Never a dull moment with them on the farm bakkie.
They make us laugh,gulp for breath when their exploits become to daring
and thankful for every special momentthey are the authors of.

Anyone who has spend time next to a campfire will know that there is few things like it.
At the end of a busy day a campfire is the place where one regroups.
Peace and meditation is found in itsyellow-orange heart and comfort gained from its warmth.
Food for the soul.

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